Woman with thin waist that you can achieve with CoolSculpting, a safe and affordable alternative to liposuction

Liposuction Orlando Explained

Liposuction Orlando Explained

Liposuction Orlando

The Liposuction Procedure Explained

Even though you may follow a healthy diet aiming for weight loss to remove excess fat from certain areas of the body, no amount of diet and exercise will get rid of stubborn fat in those nooks and crannies where it loves to dig in, maybe build some condos, and otherwise drive you crazy.

What Is This Liposuction You Speak Of

One of the classic ways to remove localized fat is liposuction. There's the traditional kind that is basically full-on plastic surgery - just like a breast augmentation would be, but instead of adding body contour, you’re having it removed. There’s also assisted liposuction or tumescent liposuction which is a localized fat removal procedure targeting the chin or back of the arms, love handles, and so on. The procedure permanently removes fat cells from the body by basically flooding the area with liquid and sucking them out with a specialized vacuum-type instrument. 

Say It With Me: Compression Garments

The recovery time, although improved since the procedure was invented, is still much longer than you might think optimal. Make sure before undergoing liposuction that you consult with your doctor as well as your boss, just in case you wind up needing more days to gather yourself than first anticipated.

The Technical Part. If You’re Squeamish...Skip This Part

You will be put under general anesthesia for this, so please consult with your doctor prior to scheduling the surgery. During liposuction, a thin hollow instrument called a cannula is inserted under the skin. Once in place directly in the targeted area of stubborn fat, a powerful vacuum is applied which sucks out the fat cells and banishes them from your body forever. The surgeon will then use stitches to close the incision. Afterwards, you can expect bruising and discomfort for a while. Wearing compression garments helps your body to recover and have the body sculpting you want to see post-surgery.

Despite what discomforts there might be regarding liposuction, it remains in all its forms one of the most popular body contouring procedures in the world today. However, we're big believers in CoolSculpting combined with our CoolSonic program as the best body contouring procedure for your body transformation goals. 

For more information, contact bodenvy CoolSculpting Orlando.

CoolSculpting Elite is the number one nonsurgical fat-reduction treatment used by doctors. It's quick, easy, and painless. It requires no diet and no downtime.

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